The Best MP’s office in the Whole Wide World

With Harry Cohen MP's fantastic staff, Elijah and Zoe

Ok, ok, I know I said a while back that I’d have to stop celebrating winning my election, but taking Elijah Mariam and Zoe Williams (both pictured above), who work in the Westminster office of my local Member of Parliament, out to lunch on Tuesday, wasn’t strictly celebrating…

Throughout my campaign, Elijah and Zoe were total rocks. They helped me – and continue to help me – with my ward casework and arranged many, many appointments for Leyton ward residents with Harry. They sent me information I could use in my campaign and always let me know about parliamentary initiatives I could get involved with Continue reading “The Best MP’s office in the Whole Wide World”

Murad and Jennette show their support for Leyton

Outside the Caribbean elders club

Murad Qureshi AM and Jennette Arnold AM, Labour members of the Greater London Assembly, came to Leyton today to show their support for the work I have been doing around the ward.

We knocked on doors in Brewster Rd to talk to residents about what issues they wanted their London Assembly Members to take back to Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London.

I couldn’t let Jennette go without popping into 603 High Road Leyton, to see the ladies from the African Caribbean elders club. They too are very grateful for all the assistance she has given them over the years. Continue reading “Murad and Jennette show their support for Leyton”

David Miliband meets Leyton’s red ladies

David Miliband MP, Cabinet Minister for Communities and Local Government, was in Leyton today to support Labour’s campaign in neighbouring Grove Green. He was charming and fab on the door step. There are not many government ministers I swoon over but 🙂 ………… Continue reading “David Miliband meets Leyton’s red ladies”